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C-Language All Coding by Digitalise Data - Programing in C-Language

C-Language All Coding by Digitalise Data - Programing in C-Language

If Statements

1.  Even Number In C-Language - If Statement Programing
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2. Find The Age For Votting - if They Above 18 - If Statement Programing

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If Else Statement

1.  Find Even Or Odd In C-Language - Using If Else Statement Programing

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Nested If Statement

1. Write A Program Input Any Three Number And Find The Biggest Number Using Nested If Statement
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Nested If Else Statement

1. Write Any Program Input Any Number And Display This Messag - Nested If Else Statement Programing
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Switch Statement

1. Write Any Program Input Any Number And Display This Messag - Using Switch Statement
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Break Statement

1. Write a Program And Print 1 to 6 - Using Break Statement Programing in C-Language
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Continue Statement

1. Write a Program And Print 1 to 10 Execept 7 - Using Continue Statement In C-Language
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GoTo Statement

1. Find a Multilpication Table Using Goto Statement - Programing in C-Language
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Looping Statements

For Loop

1. Write a program input any number and display multiplication table  of given number and using (For Loop)
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While Loop

1. Print 1 to 10 Using While Loop - Programing in C-Language
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Do-While Loop

1. Write a Program input any number and display multiplication table using Do-While Loop - Programing in C-Language
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Rule 1 Programing in C-Language
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Rule 2 Programing in C-Language 
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